There had been three of them in the forest. Birds singing. Berries sweet. Naked and warm. Safe in trees, sometimes not as much on the ground. They walked around. Looking. Wondering.
The hairs stood up on the back of their necks. Pursuit. Their pulse quicken. Fear. Before taking flight a calm voice echoed through the leaves.
“Don’t run just yet”
Out of the bushes a wolf stepped. Huge teeth. Intense eyes. But wisdom.
“We need to give birth to a light. For the heaves cry out for an illusion”
The three of them understood the wolf from someplace outside of themselves. Like an itch or a deep sigh.
“We four leggeds will collect the fuel. We need you to bring the spark. Any spark.”
As the three took a second look, the entire forest surrounding them was full of beasts. Bears and wolves and crows and boars.
“We will take one of you as payment, and we leave”
One of the bears crashed into the three, dragging off the shorter, and everyone disappeared.
Written on all the trees in scratches – WE NEED LIGHT.
The two left ascended the trees and began to create the spark. Time passed slowly but unseen. Nothing to mark the time by except occasional hunger.
The wolf returned as they were on the cusp of birth. They all walked to the highest hill they could find. The bonfire was there, the birth was made and the fire was lit. Howls, screams, crying as the newborns flames flew into the sky. The beasts and the two celebrated, danced and were in awe of this light.
As they descended from the hill and went back to their own forests, the two of them slept for a thousand nights as the sky was lit but life and creation.