“I had a cat for three weeks. I would keep finding fresh goosemeat in my house. Or butter churned that morning, one morning I even thought my clothes were fresher. A week later my house burned down. Fickle things those Aitkate.”
“I bought an Aitkate at the market, I gave it the best milk I could find and the warmest straw. I talked with it, almost like my son it became. And every day I went out to hunt I would be very successful. Everyone thought I was magic, but it was just the Aitkate. When it left I drank for three days straight”
“I dreamed I had an Aitkate once, but I woke up and it was just my old crappy cat.”
Good luck if treated well – solo – mostly placid.
Aitkate comes in different forms but the main ones are as a cat or a rooster. But all have a rooster part, either the comb or the beak or the tail of the rooster. The cat variant has found it easier to find homes and belonging. An Aitkate can be bought and sold with permission. They bring good luck and wealth to a house in exchange for being treated well. They will seek out those that are oppressed or unfairly treated, and they bring good and bad luck in equal doses if they think it is needed. The cats can always be recognized as having a rooster tail. The snakelike ones are more like mini dragons with a beak.
Aitkate are never seen with another. Some think that there is only one. But there are more than one. Aitkate can change form if they need. They will avoid combat at all costs. Disappearing and running away if needed. And if imprisoned they will easily get away. Their only weakness is alcohol brewed from berries picked from a frozen tree. They do not like loud noises unless they were responsible for them.
They can and will speak, but will not speak to their current house mates. Only bringing gifts and signs, or meting out punishments'.
Random encounter – A cat meets the players on the edge of a property and says “I need you to send a message, and I will reward you handsomely – their housemates need to be taught a lesson.
Quest beginning. An Aitkate is ruining a huntsmans life, he needs you to go brew the alcohol from the berries or buy some somewhere.
Variant table.
Large crow
Large Rat